My name is Carter Arnett. I am a former professional basketball player that finished out my playing career in England. I've been involved with LTD since it began in 2001 as I was a professional teammate & friend of LTD Founder-Brad Mann. I started my college playing career at Wichita State where I was forced to transfer due to a drug/alcohol addiction. I went on to finish my college career at Cleveland State, and then moved on to play professionally. However, my struggle with drugs/alcohol continued.
The problems worsened after my playing career ended and I found myself facing separation from my wife. I eventually got the help that I needed and the Lord turned my life around. Through the help of LTD as well as other friends and family, I came to the end of myself and got the help I needed to get my life on a healthy track. LTD helped find me a job and encouraged me when I needed it most.
Most importantly, I'm continuing to grow in my relationship with Christ. Today, I am celebrating a life of sobriety with my beautiful family (Allison {wife}, Lorraine {daughter} & Carter {son}).